Augmented Reality technology, reading books Rainbow Halo-halo becomes more exciting! Because the child can see the code Hey Blo appears to move over the book after being scanned. Not only that, the Small One can also listen to fairy tales of Ibuk Retno Hening, Kirana voice singing the song "Halo-halo Rainbow", take pictures with the characters Hey Blo and Kirana. How? Animatedly you curious Augmented Reality game Halo-halo Rainbow? Lets get the book right away and play application. Do not forget to upload a picture of you together and Kirana Blo Hey character in social media, yes! Note:- Applications can only function if used with Halo-halo Pelangi books.- Application may not be able to move the image if it is played in a room with low light.- Procedures for the use of books contained in the book Halo-halo Pelangi.